You probably remember that one time as a kid you got lost in the market and grabbed a lady’s hand, only to look at her face and realize it was not your mom.
The probability of finding someone who looks like you is extremely slim, but not impossible. This lookalike can be known as a “doppelganger,” which is a person who is a biologically unrelated look-alike of someone else, also known as a “double.”
In fiction and mythology, doppelgangers are usually considered to be bad luck, or your “evil twin.” And meeting yours has been considered to cause misfortune. But the good news is the chances of you running into your evil twin isn’t likely. So you’re safe! For now…
But lookalikes aren’t always bad, people often like to compare themselves to someone famous, or their “celebrity lookalike.” And here at Roosevelt, we have plenty of celebrities on campus!

From top left to bottom, we have Kyle Mainer, Dalton Fitch, Jayden Zavala, Barry Walsh, Nathan Crousse, and Jeremiah Murray.
Mainer is flashy and flamboyant like English rock singer Elton John. John is considered to be one of the best-selling music artists in the world. Aside from John’s music career he is also widely known as a humanitarian. In 1992 he created the Elton John AIDS Foundation, which has raised over $662 million to support the fight against HIV.
Mainer expresses his excitement, “I find it cool that my friends think I look like a celebrity and the people I look up to.”
Fich is unique and informative on subjects you would never stop to think about. He is relative to current events just like Journalist Narwaur.
Zavalya is a punk who rebels against the man. Zavalya sticks it to the man just like Joey Ramone.
Zavalya wittingly jokes “I’m excited to be famous!”
Walsh has a fiery witty sarcastic personality just like Flavor Town’s finest, Guy Fieri. Wlash wears bowler shirts, awesome sunglasses, and rides a Harley.
Crousse is spiritual and enlightening, just like the carpenter and preacher, Jesus Christ.
Murray is awesome down to earth and funny along with a splash of light-heartedness just like Garfield the cat.
Meeting a celebrity lookalike has been more and more frequent with the internet finding people who look like other people For example, “People Who Kinda Look Like Adam Sandler But Aren’t Adam Sandler” is a Facebook community that’s dedicated to sharing or posting photos of people who resemble Adam Sandler. Fans of “The Sandman” post photos of relatives or other citizens who have similar features to the Actor.
Some people profit and use their resemblance to celebrities. At the Hollywood Walk of Fame, people come dressed up as the celebrity they look like and charge for photos or just are there to entertain people walking by. Some come as Movie characters animated characters, superheroes, and Just the celebrities themselves

From time to time we run into celebrities who look like other celebrities. For example, Woody Harrelson famous actor has similar facial features and bone structure as Anna Gunn of Breaking Bad fame. Or how Javier Bardem respected Spanish Actor and Jeffery Dean Morgan from The Walking Dead have similar facial hair body builds and facial structure.
Do you want to be in the next celebrity lookalike, or do you know anyone who looks like someone famous? Do you think So the next time you see someone who you think looks like a celebrity or you think you look like a celebrity visit E103 to let us at The Roosey Review submit and show you or your friend’s Lookalikes.