The Alarming Connection between Domestic Violence and Sports TV

Tubi’s official logo provided on their Google App Store page.
May 2, 2023
As many sports fans know, important sports events broadcasted on TV, such as the Superbowl, cause massive groups of people to either become divided or ally against fans of opposing teams. However, in these situations, aggressive and violent behavior is extremely common, and a shocking amount of sports TV watchers turn to domestic abuse, and even hate crimes.
Sports culture is rowdy, tough, and pretty aggressive as is, but how does this lead to violent crimes? Well, according to a study regarding the United States alone, there is a much higher amount of domestic violence arrests carried out on NFL game Sundays than Sundays with no games. Lancaster University of England reported that domestic violence reports rose 38% when England’s national soccer (or football) team lost, versus a 26% increase when they won.
The use of alcohol during these televised events may be the main factor for domestic violence rates regarding sports, but those who carry out these acts have no excuse, even if they’re under the influence of alcohol.
During the 2023 Superbowl, a commercial for the streaming service Tubi was played to look as if someone had changed the channel. Many people all across the nation reported that family members, friends, restaurant goers, and intimate partners were irrationally angry, some violent, and blamed somebody for the interruption, leading to domestic abuse cases as well as domestic disturbances. Many children and women were impacted by this commercial specifically, all because of the rage created by the commercial.
UCLA sophomore and waitress Andy Hse stated that when she worked the day of the Superbowl, many older men had screamed at her, calling her awful names and threatening her under the assumption she had changed the channel.
Hse reported, “It was awful, nothing could calm them down, even after the commercial ended, I can’t imagine what would happen if it were their wives they blamed instead.”
When asked his opinions, basketball fan, and Centennial High junior Mike Gonzalez stated, “I get getting angry over a game, especially when it’s a huge deal, they’re stressful. But to resort to violence is so irrational and immature, especially your child or wife, that’s just pathetic.”
A sentiment I’m sure most agree with.
Sadly, domestic violence is a common practice that grows and grows every day, and some sports can influence the severity and rate at which it happens. Sports isn’t the issue though, of course, but those who are so strongly affected by sports 100% are at fault. If you, or anybody you know, are struggling with domestic violence or abuse, visit here for resources to help, text START to 88788, or call the United States National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233.