Trump withdraws Federal Protection for Transgender Teens

February 23, 2017
The Trump administration decided to roll back the federal protections for transgender students that was initially publicized by the Obama administration in May 2016 . Known as Title IX, this protects the rights of transgender students allowing them to use the restrooms and locker rooms of their gender identities.
In a letter to public schools, the Trump Administration discussed the need to reevaluate Title IX’s role in regards to the states and local school districts in shaping education policy.
“As President Trump has clearly stated, he believes policy regarding transgender bathrooms should be decided at the state level,” the White House said in a statement.
“The joint decision made today by the Department of Justice and the Department of Education returning power to the states paves the way for an open and inclusive process to take place at the local level with input from parents, students, teachers and administrators.”
The Supreme Court announced that President Trump’s statement does not undo Title IX or state level protections.
“Trump’s actions do not change the law itself — transgender students remain protected by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 — but abandoning the guidance intentionally creates confusion about what federal law requires,” Rachel B. Tiven, CEO of Lambda Legal, said in a statement.
President Trump’s statement prolongs his changes he is achieving during his presidency.