Mental Healthcare

The mythicism of mental health care permeates throughout society, upbringings, schools, work, and life in general. The capitalist imaginary rhetoric of “If you work hard, you’ll be successful” neglects not only systemic oppression, but the thin access to mental health treatments and the problematic environment within mental health treatments. It is fancy and light to believe that hard work can achieve anything when approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. deal with some sense of mental health problem, diagnosed or undiagnosed.
Hard work can sure reach success when the resources to simply survive are provided for. This fantasy of “working hard” strangles people into avoiding their mental health, which only serves to spiral down their health further. Mental health is a stigma that is unseen. When looking at a person, it’s not apparent and displayable the conditions of their mental health. This does not mean the situation is unreal- only a little harder to detect. As a result of the lack of mental health resources, the lack of education parallels. As a person develops symptoms of mental health issues, the question of “do I need help or is this just a phase” persists, which contributes to the detriments of prolonging diagnosis.
To prevent suicides and the damage of mental health issues, it is necessary to have open and persistent conversations about emotions. From the beginning of schooling, it is crucial to emphasize that mental health is priority. School culture itself must angle its structure into serving to the students’ mental health stability and care. Hypermasculinity is one of the highest factors that forces men to mask their feelings which leads to degradation of their mental health, which can lead to a multitude of mental health issues against themselves including abusive behavior.
With talk of universal healthcare as a possibility for the people of this country, it is critical not to limit it to physical healthcare. Mental health also poses a threat to the health of a bountiful of important individuals in our society. Ableism is a prevalent issue that is apparent in all races, genders, cultures, etc. It is time to address and put an end to it to preserve prosperous health for everyone.

My name is Joyce Zhong and I am a senior at ERHS. My social media is notorious for my controversial opinions and radicalism, which will be transferred...