2023 AP Exam Payments now Open!
September 30, 2022
Each year, Eleanor Roosevelt High opens up the opportunity to students to take AP exams. These exams are not free, and each exam a student chooses to take is $100. Payments are open until November 9. The exams themselves take place over the course of two weeks, May 1-12 in 2023. These exams are not required for AP students to take, but they greatly benefit from the tests and it’s well worth the price!
Registration is key, so if you’re choosing to take any AP exams, don’t forget to register and get your full payments in before November 9, double check your confirmation messages as well as double check your payments were accepted. Students also must get their classroom’s appropriate AP join codes through the College Board website, and select ‘yes’ on their chosen exams. Then, register with TotalRegistration and double check the exams you said yes to are the same as the ones you pay for.

After finding Roosevelt students taking AP courses and possibly taking AP exams, I interviewed them about the purchasing and registration of the exams. Here’s what they had to say:
Roosevelt junior Brayden O’mara exclaims, “I’m in AP chem, but I’m not gonna take the exams. Not because the fee, I didn’t know you had to pay, but I already kind of didn’t want to take them, anyway.”
Whereas senior Niah Mwangi says, “I took the exams last year and I think they’re worth it, but I might not take them this year. But my family will probably pay for me to do it, anyway, so we’ll see.”
If you have any questions about AP exams and the fees, email Mr. Carillo at [email protected], or talk to your AP teachers. Good luck to any students taking the exams, and good luck to non-AP students who may want to enroll in an AP course in the future!