The Life of Brandon Porter

Brandon Porter in Game
November 6, 2020
Brandon Porter, a beloved student, friend, and teammate passed away on October 31, 2020. This young man was a mentor to most of the people who knew him, but he didn’t only teach them to be better but to work hard and to play hard. Brandon Porter was a “True Competitor” and a true friend to all.
Family, friends, and even competitors had lots of respect for him and were all saddened by this tragic news.

Many people knew him at school as a nice student who was a student-athlete, but he was more than that for his team and others. He was an inspiration to his teammates and he was an amazing and fierce friend.
Germaine said that “Brandon Porter was a role model to me and all the other people around him.”
Brandon Porter did what a lot of people couldn’t do he graduated from high school while juggling two sports.
Students and peers from all communities have donated to the go fund me page started by the Roosevelt Basketball team to fund his funeral, because of how much he meant to them.
I asked Germaine what he’s going to do to remember Brandon, he said “I’ll keep working as hard as I can to get to my goals because that’s what he’d expect from me.”
That’s something that everyone says about Brandon Porter he always worked towards his goals.
I also asked him what would he tell Brandon if he could speak to him right now, he said “I would tell him thank you for everything.”
The soccer team tweeted “A sensational athlete but an even better human being.”
Brandon told the basketball team that he would leave his legacy on that school, leave a mark, a memory, and that is just what he did. Everyone agrees that he was an amazing athlete, but something they say more is that he was an exceptional person, and that’s what really counts.
He was a true mentor and hero to many of the students at ERHS and at surrounding schools.