The Mandalorian Season 2 is Here!
This article contains spoilers for the first episode of season 2.
The Mandalorian
November 6, 2020
The long-awaited season premiere for The Mandalorian’s second season has finally arrived—and it did not disappoint. We see Mando and his little green friend back in action, along with a new friend, “The Marshal” (hence, the title of the debut episode).

Din Djarin arrives on Tatooine in search of another member of the Mandalorian order of warriors and bounty hunters. We first meet the Marshal who is in Mandalorian armor. Din sees that he must retrieve the armor as part of the Mandalorians’ code. However, an enemy of an isolated village arrives at the scene, and in order to take the Mandalorian armor, Din has to help the village take the enemy down. At the end of the episode, we see a familiar face on the screen.
According to Jon Jackson from Newsweek, the unknown character “turns around just before the scene cuts to credits, and the character is played by Temuera Morrison, who played Jango Fett in Attack of the Clones and Commander Cody in Revenge of the Sith.” One very obvious answer as to who this character could be is Boba Fett.

“Star Wars fans will remember Fett seemingly met his demise in Return of the Jedi after falling into the pit of a creature called a Sarlacc…on the planet Tatooine. We later learned when the prequel trilogy arrived onscreen many years later, Boba was an exact clone made from Jango Fett, who was regarded by the Republic as the best bounty hunter in the galaxy. Thus, Boba would age to look exactly like Jango,” said Jackson. Despite the unknown identity of the character that is yet to be revealed, many fans (like myself) enjoyed the newest episode and are thrilled to watch more.
“I am really excited to see the rest of season 2. I can’t wait to see if Mando finds the rest of Baby Yoda’s kind and to see if that was Boba Fett in the ending,” said Rhea Jacob, an avid viewer of the show. “I loved episode one, I was shook by the ending. Throughout the episode, I was wondering if the armor that Cobb Vanth had was Boba Fett’s. So, it makes sense if Boba Fett survived the Sarlacc Pitt and has been living on Tatooine this whole time.”
Season 2 of The Mandalorian is off to a great start with the continuation of its amazing cinematic shots and great story-telling. As a fan of the show myself, I am patiently waiting for episodes to be released and desperately keeping an eye out for answers. Could this new face be the Boba Fett that we adore and love?