Chadwick Boseman: Rewarding his legacy
October 30, 2020
Chadwick Boseman, a real hero among many; fictional hero to the marvel cinematic universe. He was a legend among many, and a true representation of black excellence. His career was short but vast in reach, and he touched the hearts of those who saw his work. A man of integrity and kindness, he left his mark upon the world.

His death was unexpected, and a surprise to everyone but his family, due to stage four colon cancer that was kept secret to the public. In fact, he recorded and acted in movies with the condition for four years; fellow actors and associates were unaware as well.
“I didn’t know he was sick,” co-star Taylour Paige, 30, says. “People are going to stunned by his performance, but now I feel he should win an Oscar just for acting like he was OK.”
Boseman didn’t want news of his illness to get in the way or halt anyone’s progress, everyone was able to do their work to their best ability.
An interview with long time Marvel fans Brennen Kelly, 16, and Marcus Tayag, 17, expresses their thoughts on the matter

C.J: “Chadwick Bossman was a hero of mine personally, he’s the sole reason as why I started looking into my culture, his legacy really mattered to me and those who witnessed him. So with that said, do you think his struggle should be rewarded?”
Brennen: “I think he should, because that takes a lot of determination, it’s brave to choose to continue his passion through deaths door; it’s selfless to provide quality acting for his followers.”
Marcus: “I mean yeah, just for his fulfillment in the role as Black Panther, it shows commitment.”
Others share Paige’s thoughts on the matter, as his achievements and strengths should be rewarded and treasured. Not only to keep his memory alive, but to set an example for future generations.