Corpse Husband is Trending!
Everything you should know so you can stan Corspe too!
My computer while watching a Among Us gameplay Corpse is featured it
October 9, 2020
Corpse Husband, an anonymous youtuber, is a horror narrator, song writer, and gamer that has recently taken TikTok, and by extension most other social medias, by storm. But this has actually been a long road to trending.
Corpse has been making narration videos for five years and already had a small but loving fanbase. Then about two weeks ago, he blew up. I have been trying and I still cant pinpoint the exact reason this occurred but here are some likely factors:
- He dropped a new song, E-GIRLS ARE RUINNING MY LIFE, with Savage Ga$p in September 2020
- Corpse twittered that be would post photos of his hands if he got to 100K followers on Instagram. His fans did one better and get him to 200k four days later. He posted hand pictures.
- Among Us came out and Corpse is incredible to watch play. He has been featured on videos with Jacksepticeye, Pewdiepie, Julien Solomita, and even more youtubers.
- Also a little farther back in late March, he was interviewed by Anthony Padilla about being a faceless youtuber.
The reason it is so hard to pin point the first domino is because no one has the same answer to “how did you find Corpse?”. I found Corpse after someone on twitter said it sounded like Dabi from My Hero Academia. My sister found him through a gaming video. Isabel Lopez found him on TikTok. Hana Fares and Ronni Granados both first saw him on Anthony Padilla’s channel. One of our other journalists even told me he is all over her feed.

A giant plus to Corpse’s growing fanbase is the joy he gets from pulling pranks on different social media. For example, this Tuesday, October 6, he went on Instagram live and asked his followers to help him get #onlyhands trending on Twitter. It took us 5 minutes to get #onlyhands trending world wide. People even made memes to post to #onlyhands.
Ronni Granados’ told me that she likes corpse because he “seems super down to earth and listening to his voice tell the scary stories is somehow very comforting.” She recommended people watching his gameplays because they are “entertaining especially because of how his friends constantly react to his voice.”
Isabel Lopez told me that she finds all of his content “entertaining in different ways and his personality adds to each type of content he creates.”
Ultimately Corpse is an incredible content creator and has so many different forms of content, there is a Corpse account for everyone.