Spotlight: Diversify Our Narrative CNUSD Organization
Taken from Diversify Our Narrative CNUSD Instagram Page
September 18, 2020
The organization Diversify Our Narrative CNUSD, established earlier this year in June, has recently been gaining traction. With almost 2,000 followers on Instagram, they are a group dedicated to making learning in CNUSD inclusive of all people. Over 100 people have dedicated their time to helping Diversify Our Narrative CNUSD, including alumni from schools in the Corona-Norco district as well as students from many different high schools and middle colleges. Parents have also been involved in order to help work with members of the district.

Their main goal that is currently in process is having at least one book written by a person of color (POC) about their experience as a POC in every high school English class within the district.
Ava Escobedo, co-leader of the organization, said that next they want to “tackle history books” because there is a lack of diverse information in them that “everyone should be learning.” This is an important core value of their organization because they recognize that CNUSD is very diverse in its student population, meaning it is necessary for all students to see themselves represented in the literature and history presented in their classes.
Amplifying student voices is an essential part of this student-run organization, and members have already been in contact with the district office, who they say has been cooperative and open to hearing their ideas. Escobedo emphasized how she wanted to use her “voice to take action because a lot of people can’t.” In fact, on October 6th, they will be attending the board meeting in order to bring up some of their goals and try to have them implemented within CNUSD.
Several administrators have helped Diversify Our Narrative CNUSD, such as the JFK Middle College Principal, Dr. Petria Gonzales as well as a member of the English Department here at ERHS, Dawn Goldsmith.
The rise of the Black Lives Matter movement this summer in response to police brutality was a large factor in motivating students to create and become a part of Diversify Our Narrative. Julianna Garcia, fellow co-leader of Escobedo, stated that she found the news “heartbreaking” and felt the “need to do something” about it, which led her to get involved with the organization to make a difference.
Diversify Our Narrative CNUSD means more to its students than just advocating for their cause. Garcia and Escobedo commented upon how they were able to form a close relationship due to working together for the organization. Garcia stated that it “changed how [she] saw students” as well as helped her form “friendships for life.”
Though their organization is made up mainly of high school students and some alumni, they hope to implement the voices of a different age demographic and expand to having middle school students become part of the project as well. In their expansion, they also plan to make the goal of implementing one book by a person of color in each elementary and middle school English class.
Due to the complications of COVID, Diversify Our Narrative CNUSD understands that it will be difficult for funds to be allocated to them in order to implement their goal of diversifying English classes. Therefore, they plan to hold fundraisers in the upcoming future. By next month, they want to have stickers ready to sell. Fundraisers such as this allow their graphic design team to express their creativity while also raising money for their core values.
They are always looking for new passionate students to become involved with their organization. More information on how to become involved as well as their petition for implementing diverse texts into English classes can be found on their Instagram page: diversifyournarrativecnusd. They also have a website: