ERHS CIF Updates

CIF updates about Winter Sports.
February 28, 2020
Hey Mustangs!
As we all know, our sports here on campus have been doing fantastic! This was the first time ever that all of our winter sports on campus made it to CIF. Although Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball, Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer, and Girls’ Water Polo lost in the middle of CIF, we still have some boys from the Wrestling Team that made it to CIF. These boys are Isiah Vazquez, Erick Benas, Brandon Leon, Thomas Orr, Quentin Hunter, Adrian Ledezma, Gavin Ibarra, Andrew Hernandez, and Mason Jordan. Our very own Mustangs, Isiah Vasquez and Brandon Leon both won CIF, so congratulations to them!
I asked Isiah Vasquez how it feels to be a CIF Champion and what he did to work towards his goal to win CIF. Vasquez said, “It feels so great to be CIF Champion. Now I know all my hard work has really paid off and I am really proud of myself.” Vasquez also stated, “I just worked really hard in practice and at my matches. I really want to thank my parents and my coach because they helped me get through the hard times in wrestling and whenever I did good they were always there to congratulate me and they are always proud of me no matter what happened.”
I asked Nelly Diaz how it feels to not be in CIF and how it felt to play her last season of high school soccer. Diaz replied, “At first I was really sad because we could have won that game but then I was okay with losing because I got to play my last high school soccer game with some of my best friends. It was crazy and sad knowing that my last high school soccer season is over, but like I said, I am happy that I ended it with my best friends.
Shoutout to all of our Winter sports for making it to CIF. Since our Spring sports are starting, go support our other Mustang athletes!

Pictured above, Isiah Vasquez.