Justin Beiber Reaches #1 Artist But Why

A review on his recent comeback.

Justin Beiber and his wife Hailey Beiber

New Hot Hip Hop

Justin Beiber and his wife Hailey Beiber

Christian de Jesus, Journalist

On January 3rd, when the year was newly born, Justin Bieber deemed it necessary to release his first song since 2017. After months of promotion for the song, his comeback song Yummy was out on all platforms. That is when the Justin Beiber fans came out of the woodwork and before you knew it we were back in 2013. With his “Beliebers” promoting it incessantly felt like a blast from the past. This new released served a prelude of what to come shortly after.

I never enjoyed Justin Beiber’s music even when he had his large explosion into fame in 2009. I was always made uncomftable just as many people were rendered uncomfortable after the song “Yummy” was released. The obviously raunchy undertones when looked at with the choice of promotion leaves a bad taste in the viewer’s mouth. On his Instagram account he had months worth of baby pictures posted with the caption “#yummy”. In hindsight the implications are actually quite disturbing as they are sexual in nature. And yet his fans adore him as the next best thing since sliced bread. Its unclear if they are simply ignorant to the suspicious implications or if they choose to actively ignore the glaring issue. Not only is this a problem, the song itself is just repetitive and not interesting at all. For a song with six writers it is extremely underwhelming.

This was paired with the desperate seeming promotion for his music. He promoted the constant streaming of his song to try and get him on the charts . People not entranced look at this as “such an attention grab from a pop star who passed his prime” says high school senior Janelle Meza. “I just think its so much promotion for a song that is so structurally boring.”

On Valentine’s Day Beiber dropped his new studio album “Changes”. It is apparent that his sound has matured and strayed from his usual loud and sometimes obnoxious pop. The whole album has a laid back vibe and it is a decent album but again it was nothing new from the current generic pop scene. “I kind of like it though. I used to be such a big Belieber but I kind of fell off” says Melina de Jesus, high school sophomore. “Theres some good songs on the album but its just really similar to other artists.”

RBMG/Def Jam Recordings
“Changes” album cover

There is alot of things to go to rant about this but it would need a doctoral thesis length to express them. Due to the efforts of his fans he eventually made it to the Billboard’s 1# artist spot. Whether he deserves this is up to debate but one thing is certain; the album’s main theme is being generic.