Artist Spotlight: Luh Kel
Song art for “Wrong”
February 14, 2020
Artist Turran Coleman, known as Luh Kel is a 17 year old singer and songwriter. Born is St. Louis Missouri, Luh Kel is sure to put it on the map. He is signed to Cinematic Music Group and has so far put out two albums. Kel is continuing to put out music as the year progresses.
Released November 15th, 2019 Luh Kel’s first album known as “Mixed Emotions” gave him massive exposure. This album concludes of 12 songs. With songs like “Cold Heart” he truly conveys his emotions through and through. However, his song “Wrong”really put his name out there. Kristina Villacorta states, “If I’m being honest, I didn’t really know who Luh Kel was until I heard Wrong.”Luh Kel describes his thought process when writing “Wrong.” He describes a time with a significant other that was amazing in the beginning, however; as the song progresses he describes how the relationship was tarnished by his significant other’s actions. Villacorta further states, “After being introduced to Wrong, I’ve started listening to his other songs and I really think he’s an underrated artist.” After gaining a following, Luh Kel has continued to put out music.
Bringing the new year, Luh Kel has put out new music. Song “Y.O.U.” seems like a continuation of songs in his previous album. He is sure to convey his emotions. With lyrics such as ” I’m grinding so hard, I gotta make it” he shares his wants as an artist to create a bigger existence. Other lyrics in the song describe wants and needs in a relationship. Jessica Pham states. ” I was introduced to Y.O.U. on spotify.” She then further states, “After hearing his music so far, I hope he continues to put out music.”
Although Luh Kel is just starting out, he is sure to make a mark in the music industry. Singing in the genre hip hop/contemporary R&B he is creating a statement being such a young artist.

Artist Luh Kel