The Impeachment trial.
February 14, 2020
December 18, 2019 the impeachment of our 45th President, Donald J. Trump, was presented in the House. The charges against President Trump were the abuse of power and abstraction of Congress. Impeachment is the vote to remove a government official of office because of a criminal offence. Troy Pourchot, who has been watching the trial from the beginning, comments on how long he thought the impeachment was going to last, “The impeachment went as long as I expected which would be a couple of months.”
The impeachment started with someone in the House suspecting The President of wrong doing. Soon after the Democratic Leadership began impeachment hearings. Many people were brought in behind closed doors to be interviewed by Nacy Pelosi on the matter. Determining weather it would pass the House or not Pourchot says, “I did think it would pass the House because the majority is Democratic.”
Through everything the Republican side thought they weren’t given an opportunity of a fair trial and a proper offence. On the other side, the Democrats felt their case was strong, making the impeachment pass in the House. Finding the President guilty on two articles of impeachment, as stated above. Ryan Hawes, who is another person who has been listening to this trial, states his opinion on the case passing the House, “I believe that the House did it strictly along political basis with no real evidence of a crime through the articles. The votes were partisan and along party lines which were seen by the Senate.”

The Senate then received the case where the Seven House Managers were set to over look it. Adam Schiff (Intelligence Committee Chairman), Jerrold Nadler (Judiciary Committee Chairman), Zoe Lofgren (Representative), and Jason Crow (Representative) are theĀ Managers. Both sides presented their case of why they think President Trump was or wasn’t guilty. His prosecution team consisted of Emmet Flood who was the head of the team, Jay Sekulow, Andrew Ekonomou, Joanna Hendon, and former members who are White Collars John Dowd and Ty Cobb.
Both Parties addressed their case, one side saying he did abuse power and the other saying he didn’t. One thing to remember through this process is that the debates were prolonged because each side has so much to say. Hawes remembered one thing through the debates, “The Trump legal team brought up that the basis of the impeachment for political purposes, has set a new precedent for impeachment that you can impeach a President for policy disagreements rather than remove that person for a criminal offense.”
In the end President Trump was found innocent of the two charges. He won 52-48 with only one republican (Mitt Romney) voting against his own party.