Senior Assembly

Senior Assembly 2020
January 31, 2020
On Tuesday, January 28 all of the seniors were required to go to the senior assembly in the gym. While walking in the gym the seniors were greeted by ASB president Michael Roman who was passing out brochures regarding the senior events and a paper with information about apparel orders. Before the assembly officially started Dr. Goins had spoken to address the fact that there have been events going on around us and in our district that have been hard to deal with, but he believes in our senior class that we can finish strong. He discussed how these next couple of months can set up the rest of our future.
After Dr. Goins explained his important messages he passed the microphone to the ASB adviser, ASB President, and Senior Class President respectively. Michael Roman started out by introducing himself and how it has, “Been an honor to serve as ASB President.”
Claire Oh the senior class president began the presentation of events starting with Grad Nite. Grad Nite will be on Friday, May 22 at Six Flags Magic Mountain. Starting in February the prices for Grad Nite will be going up. May 22 is also the seniors’ last day of school. Graduation tickets will be for sale on April 13. Every senior can reserve four free tickets and purchase up to four extra tickets. The extra tickets will be available for pickup on May 27. Prom is on Saturday, April 18.
For more information on Prom and Grad Nite read our other articles that go into more detail on these events. Senior Luau will be on Friday, May 14 for $20 with or without ASB card. The event price will come with dinner and dancing. Senior finals will be on Thursday, May 21 and Friday, May 22. Grad Walk is an event where students go back to their elementary schools and speak to the kindergarten class and walk the halls. That event will be on May 28 at 9:30 to10:30 a.m., you are required to sign up with the QR code on May 1. Graduation rehearsal, senior breakfast, and the hypnotist show will be on Monday, June 1. The next day is Graduation in which seniors need to arrive at the Toyota arena at 8:45 a.m. After graduation in order to get your diploma, you must come to turn in your cap and gown in the gym.

I asked some seniors what event they are looking forward to the most. Thomas Kendig said he was most excited for, “Senior functions like Senior Luau.” Derell Balajadia said, “I am most excited for prom as a senior because it will be my first and last time attending Prom.”I also asked Balajadia what he got out of the assembly and he said, “I received updates with when Prom will be when we need to order our cap and gowns, and when all the other events will be taking place.”
Seniors, continue to come to The Roosevelt Review for more information about your last semester as a senior. Good luck, and make the most out of the last few months.