Prom and Grad Nite Updates

Prom ad.
January 31, 2020
Prom and Grad night are around the corner, so seniors let’s get prepared!!
Prom will be taking place on Saturday, April 18. The theme for this magical night is The Roarin’ 20’s. I talked to Kayla Singleton, a member of ASB here on our campus and she said, “This year’s prom theme is the Roarin’ 20’s. We thought that would be a fitting theme this year since we just entered a new decade.” We are now in the year 2020, a start to a new year, and our graduation year! Prom will be held AV Irvine located at 16500 Scientific, Irvine for a great, fun night.
Prices for prom change the longer you wait. January-February tickets are $75 with ASB and $80 without. Tickets during March are $80 with ASB and $85 without. During the month of April, tickets are $85 with ASB and $90 without. The week of Prom tickets is $90 dollars with ASB and 95 dollars without, so get your tickets ASAP! But, we as a school can get out of the tedious costs and prom. Hollister is hosting a competition for high schools to get the chance to have certain perks for prom.
I had the chance to ask Makalia, a brand agent of Hollister, why they decided to create this competition. She said, “To spread happiness and positivity on school campuses as well as creating more excitement for students, giving them a more fun uplifting outlook on high school.” I also asked her what the winning school would be rewarded. Makalia said “when a school wins the competition, they win $150,000 for the prom of a lifetime and they can party with a famous DJ. This money can lower the costs of prom tickets, have awesome food, better decorations, or even a nicer location. If in the top 10, our school can still win $1000.” This is an exciting event that can make our prom 1000 times better so go vote every day!

Competition ad.
Grad Nite is also an upcoming event that all seniors look forward to. This exciting night will take place on Friday, January 31 at the one and only Six Flags Magic Mountain! Tickets are on sale now for $140 with ASB and $145 without. Permission slips are required to go and are being distributed from the student store. The last chance to purchase tickets is March 27 so go get them now! Singleton said, “For seniors this year, Grad Nite will be at Magic Mountain. That night there will be an all you can eat, roller coasters, live music, and dance areas. Included with the grad nite ticket is a 2020 season pass to the park.
There is a lot to look forward to so let’s keep up the hard work so we can enjoy the end of the year events!