Girls Varsity Water Polo
Courtesy of Lauren Loffelmacher
Varsity and Junior Varsity in the pool during Hell Week at the beginning of the season.
January 24, 2020
Winter sports are well under way, and Girls Varsity Water Polo has been working hard this season. I spoke to a few students on the team for updates on how the team is doing.
“I think we are doing good! We have had our ups and down this season but we have gotten through them. I am really proud of me and my team for getting second in a Division 3 tournament last month. Going into the tournament we didn’t think we would place that high, but we proved ourselves!” said Lauren Loffelmacher, a player on the team. I went on to ask what her goals were for the rest of the season, and she said, “My goals for the rest of the season would be to just keep on growing as a teammate and as a team.”

Loffelmacher in the pool.
Another player, Alison Millspaugh, shares a similar mindset. When asked how she thought she was doing so far, she said, “So far I’d like to think I’m doing pretty good this season, but everybody makes mistakes and I have made plenty.” Her plans to improve hope to address those mistakes, as proven when she said “I’m hoping to get my skip shot better and learn more about the game in general” in response to her current goals.
I also asked if there were any games coming up any time soon. “We have our Senior Night on Monday January 27th at 4pm for Varsity and 5pm for Junior Varsity,” said Loffelmacher. Senior Night is, as the name suggests, a night dedicated to the senior players on the team. Millspaugh mentioned that they “have a tournament on the 23rd-24th, a game against Centennial on the 27th, and then our league games on the following weeks.”
Support your Lady Mustangs and be sure to cheer on Girls Varsity Water Polo!