ERHS Link Crew: Winter Wonderland

Via: Portia Cabagnot
December 6, 2019
Link Crew is a popular program here on campus. Link Crew member, Marley Naguna, said the purpose of the club is, “To aid and support freshman in their transition from intermediate school to high school. In addition, we also strive to create the bridge between the lower and upperclassmen. Our ultimate goal is to make freshman feel welcome and create an inclusive environment at Roosevelt.” With that being said Link Crew puts on events throughout the year to help the freshman get acclimated to the school. This school year some of the events they have put on this year include: Freshman Tailgate, Haunted Hallway, Movie Night, and Freshman Morning Munch.
Their next event, Winter Wonderland, is this Friday, December 6. Lauren Torres, a senior Link Crew member said, “We are having a Winter Wonderland during both lunches for freshman to come in and eat some treats and make some holiday crafts to prep for the holidays and get in spirit!” Naguna adds on to Torres’s description of the event saying, “We encourage all the freshman to come hang out with us and have a good time.”
I also asked Senior Portia Cabagnot about the event and asked her why she is in Link Crew. Cabagnot responded, “I’m in Link Crew because when I was in 8th grade I was a WEB leader and I wanted to continue helping my school throughout high school. I’ve been in the program for 3 years and it’s been a humbling yet fun experience to get to know freshmen and show them that there is nothing to be afraid of, when entering high school.” Lauren Torres’s reason for being in Link Crew is, “I’m personally in Link Crew because I had an amazing Link Crew leader my freshman year and I felt she really prepped me for high school and helped me ease into the routine of being a high school student.”
Along with the Winter Wonderland this month, Link Crew will also be having an event called Coco and Cram for finals week, and Lip Sync auditions on December 11.