ERHS College Application Season
Deadlines for college applications
November 1, 2019
As we are currently in the month of October, it’s been a time to start as well as finish college applications. College applications can be rigorous especially when you aren’t sure where to start. However, at Roosevelt there are many people and resources to make the process a little easier. Whether you’re applying to UCs, Cal states, privates, or choosing a different path, it’s time to consider what the next steps are in your life.
One type of application to consider is UCs. For many, UC applications are most important to them. To start, go to the website: With UC applications, you must write personal insight questions, there are eight questions but you must answer four of them in 350 words or less. You also must create an account on the website to apply. Student Kristina Villacorta states, ” I’ve been looking to apply to a few UCs and starting the process seemed daunting.” However she further states, “After starting my personal insight questions, I feel like I need more time but I feel like I’m getting parts done which is good.”

University of California website. (Applications)
Another common application is Cal states. Cal states are some of the easiest applications however, they are still a little complicated. To apply, you must go through cal-state apply. For filling out classes see a councilor to insure no mistakes. Senior Hayden Palma states, ” I saw a counselor to help me with my applications and they made it so much easier.” He also states, ” Although I’m not applying to many Cal states, I would recommend people who are to see Lucero.”
Additionally, there are private college applications. Some well known private colleges are USC, and CBU. Most private colleges use Common application. Through this website you are able to apply. You also need a few things such as letters of rec. You must create an account and have information like your social security number.

Common Application Website
Overall, there are many options for college and even beyond that. Application time is narrowing down so don’t procrastinate!