Eastvale Edition
Eastvale Edition Logo.
October 4, 2019
Hello Mustangs and residents of Eastvale, welcome back to another week of the Eastvale Edition. There are so many events and activities going on in the City of Eastvale all of the time, so now it’s time to find out what’s going on in our city.
First we have the Public Meeting Schedule. On Oct. 9, the City of Eastvale is hosting the City Council Meeting at 6:30 pm. Then on Oct. 16, they are having a Planning Commission Meeting at 6 pm. On Oct. 22, there will be a Public Safety Commission Meeting at 6 pm. Then finally on Oct. 23, there will be another City Council Meeting at 6:30 pm. All of these meetings are being held at The City Council Chambers which is located at 12363 Limonite Avenue, Suite 900, Eastvale, CA 91752.
The next event is the Great Shake-Out. The Great Shake-Out is being held on Oct. 17 at 10:17 am. This event is to prepare everyone in California for an earthquake by having them practice safety precautions in classrooms, workplaces and offices. The Great Shake-Out has been taking place since 2008 and this year will be the 12th year of California doing this.
I interviewed two residents of Eastvale, Miles Bennett and Alicia Whitehead. I asked them how they feel about the activities and events that the City of Eastvale hosts. Bennett responded, “The activities that Eastvale hosts are very family welcoming as they have activities for all ages” and Whitehead also responded, “I like the events that Eastvale hosts, I went to one with my daughter and we had fun!” I also asked them how they find out about the events and if they think the city should advertise more. Whitehead replied, “I find out about these activities by seeing posters around town and no I think they advertise a lot” and Bennett said, “I usually find out about the events through social media or I see banners on the side of the street. I believe the city advertises it enough as a lot of people tend to show up.”
As the city of Eastvale continues to grow, our community has implemented many new activities. That is it for this week’s Eastvale Edition, see you next week on The Roosevelt Review!

Pictured above, Public Meeting Schedule.

Pictured above, The Great Shake Out Flyer.