Does Poly Club Preach What They Practice?

Poly sign up

Sasjah Dade

Poly sign up

Sasjah Dade, Journalist

Poly Club is a popular club here on our Eleanor Roosevelt campus. They dance for our prep rallies and other special occasions here on campus. I had the chance to interview the president of the ploy club, Raquel Guzman. I asked Guzman what she knows about the poly culture, what are the different types of poly dances, what about the poly culture does she teach to the members of the club, what is her favorite part about the poly culture, and what steps does she take to spread information about the poly culture? Her responses were, “The purpose of the poly club is to basically just spread Polynesian culture because it’s such a beautiful culture and we spread this through Tahitian dancing and performing in pep rallies. I don’t really know much about the poly culture but my favorite type of dance would have to Tahitian because the drums and beats are really beautiful.We don’t really teach much to the poly members besides the dances. We’re trying this year to spread more culture than we have before in past years.”

Sasjah Dade
Poly booth at club rush

Somethings they should teach about the Polynesian culture is how there is different types of polys. For example Samoans and Tongans fall under the Polynesian category but they are two different types of polys. Their languages, foods and other cultural traditions are completely different. They should also teach about the different dances and the story behind them. Another huge one is just the traditions about what happens when someone dies or when you get married. There is many things you have to do that is very important to the process.

I am Polynesian myself and have some disagreements about this club. I feel like as a poly club they should implement more of the poly culture. Many people have been misled about what the poly culture is about and what we as Polynesians actually stand for. To many Polynesians this can be seen as disrespectful. Many of the members are in the club for the wrong reasons and for me its really sad to see my culture being so misinterpreted in many ways. I find it odd the president of the Poly club doesn’t know anything about the Polynesian culture. How are you suppose to teach the members of the club when you are low on information as well as facts? There are so many different aspects of the Polynesian culture that are just as important or even more important than the dancing. There are many solutions to these problems. I think it would be a good idea to bring in someone who is poly and knows the culture to explain the background and important parts of the culture. I appreciate the recognition Polynesians are getting because of the club, but I would rather us be represented appropriately rather than mislead everyone on what Polynesian culture is truly about.