What is #J20?
On Twitter, there are posts about the #J20 strike that occasionally creep up on your timeline- half of it that I probably contributed to from my own Twitter (if you follow me). Most of the people posting the flyer of the #J20 strike have been led by revolutionaries, but what is #J20?
#J20, in short, stands for January the 20th, which is also Inauguration Day. During that day, America’s controversial president electorate Donald J. Trump will be sworn into office. On the night of election results, an outbreak of protests across the nation sends a message to emboldened racists, misogynists, ableists, Islamophobes, those who are discriminatory of the LGBTQ+ community, etc. that immoral and hateful behavior will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Despite these protests, threads upon threads on social media reveal emboldened racists lashing out at regular people who just happen to be minorities. Often, videos and social media posts unveil events of physical prejudice and intolerance. The result of a racist country and a roller coaster of an election leads people to respond in protest- this time, a strike.
This general strike focuses on not attending school or work and refusing to shop on January 20th, 2017 as a method to disrupt our capitalist system to remind government officials (especially those who work for corrupt, big businesses) that the people have the power and when organized, are the biggest threat to their elite positions. It is also in protest of a fascist president elected into office that is giving leeway for intolerant racists to join his oppressive regime and his supporters to, unjustifiably, lash out without consequences.
A strike is meant to disrupt the system. The truth about America can’t be told without acknowledging the history of racism and intolerance towards minorities. As time changes, this discrimination can no longer be tolerated if we are to uphold the fundamental American values of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” that is applicable to all Americans, and not just white, cisgendered, straight, and able-bodied males.

My name is Joyce Zhong and I am a senior at ERHS. My social media is notorious for my controversial opinions and radicalism, which will be transferred...