Summer Plans 2019

After 10 months of school, I think it’s safe to say, a break is long over due. With the seniors gone, and finals nearing, the school year is officially almost over and with it comes the thrill and excitement of summer break! With the end of the school year also comes the hiatus of  The Roosey Review, BOOOO! But, we won’t be gone for long and next year is gonna be better than ever with fresh and new stories weekly.

Summer is undoubtedly the hottest season of the year, but that’s not gonna stop my man Xzavier and I from having a cool summer.

As soon as summer hits, you already know you can find me hitting up the pool. My boys and I are gonna spend our days chilling out and taking a long hard break from the stresses of school. Mid summer, because I’m in band, I’m gonna be spending my days in the hot sun at band camp practicing and training for next marching season.

Some word of advice, don’t get yourself into summer school. Let me tell you, going to school while all your friends are out is not what you want to be doing. But, overall summer school isn’t so bad, the work is easy enough and for the most part, and the teachers are often teachers that you already know.

Summer is the time to bask in the sun and just have the best time you can with family and friends while not having a worry in the world.

Xzavier’s gonna spend a lot of time with his friends  and family while trying to stay out of trouble. He’s pretty hyped that school’s over because now he’s got one less thing to worry about.

Fernando Gonzalez, a junior on campus gave his summer plans saying, “This summer, I plan to go to the carnival with my friends, playing basketball, and going down to the river. Mostly spend time with the family, and visiting family in Mexico. Mostly I don’t have plans because I like to take the days as they go, as plans for me restrict what I want to do. I mostly look forward to spending time with my siblings this summer.”

So, whether you stay and relax at home or spend each day out with friends, this summer is gonna be a blast, but let’s enjoy it while it lasts, and get our minds ready to start another school year strong! 2019-2020 for the win!