End of the Year Film Festival
May 10, 2019

It’s getting close to the end of the year and Mr. Fuller’s Video Production (1) classes are all coming together to put on an annual film festival for just his classes! Never have all of of his classes been more excited about this event, and they are putting in all of their effort to make this the best festival. “Movies allow you to escape into another person’s life and experience situations you wouldn’t normally experience.” explains Thomas, Winchester.
What is a film festival? A film festival is when a whole audience comes out to a designated area, with a large projection set up, and watches participants’ videos made for that event. “Films may be of recent date and, depending upon the festival’s focus, can include international and domestic releases.” Working on different films such as inspirational videos, music videos, comedy sketches etc., all classes are more than excited to witnesses what they all learned from the school year. “I’m super excited for the film festival, this is the time where we can show off what we’ve learned and we get to watch everyone else’s video. I’m really proud of everything we’ve accomplished in that class and hope that the film festival really shows that”, says current student, Giselle Gonzales.
This event will be held on Monday May 20, 2019, in the theater located near the G building. We have a boat load of talent Mustangs!!