Rapper Nipsey Hussle’s Death
April 12, 2019
On Sunday, March 31, famous rapper Nipsey Hussle was shot, and later pronounced dead. Nipsey Hussle’s alleged shooter was Eric Holder. Police were able to follow surveillance camera footage in order to find out his shooter was Eric Holder. Hussle’s shooter was reported to have let out three rounds of gun fire on him around 3:20 p.m. in the Hyde Park neighborhood. Around 35 minutes after being shot, Hussle was pronounced dead from the gun shot wounds. As people of the Los Angeles community began to hear about the death of Nipsey Hussle, his name was trending throughout social media. Famous influences such as Lebron James, Michael B Jordan, and many others showed their love for Nipsey Hussle through various posts on social media platforms.

Nipsey Hussle was born in Los Angeles and is said to be from the city of Crenshaw. He was born on August 15, 1985 and died at the age of 33. Many students here at ERHS are familiar with Nipsey Hussle, and I was able to sit in to a discussion in which I asked some of our students what they know about his death and what impact it has had on them and here is what they said: Sophomore Alyssa Watson said, “Honestly he seemed like a really good guy you know. I mean he did a lot for his community.” Kayla Singleton, “He made a big difference in his community and always gave back.” Alyssa Watson, “After his death you could see how everyone was able to come together and unite as one.” Junior, Alyssa Argo added, “He was such a role model for the people too. A lot of people looked up to him and he was a really big influence all together.” I then asked if they thought this brought more people together or separated them, and they all responded with, “Brought more people together, it definitely brought more people together.”
Nipsey Hussle’s memorial services and route were yesterday, Thursday, April 11 and for more information regarding the services and route to Forest Lawn Memorial Park read Katerina Avitia’s story here at the Roosevelt Review.