Veterans’ Day!

Natalie Gonzalez, Staff

On November 11th, we dedicate the day for the veterans of America. On this Veterans’ Day, a special holiday, we remember those who gave their lives up to fight in our wars. The 11th of November was actually the end of World War I, and which is why it’s held on this specific day of the year, and in 1954 it replaced what used to be Armistice Day. Veterans’ Day is commonly mistaken for Memorial Day, but the two are quite different from each other. Memorial Day pays respect and honor to those who have lost their lives due to war battles, and Veterans’ Day is to show the respect and honor of US veterans whether they’re dead or alive. 9.2 million veterans are over the age of 65, and 1.9 million veterans are under the age of 35. There’s a wide varitety of Americans who have decided to serve in wars and/or during peacetime, in which these members are parents, grandparents, siblings, children, or friends. I personally believe that we should take this day into consideration, and be grateful for those who decided to give their lives up. Some people just think that it’s another day off or some random holiday, but it’s not. To know the true meaning of Veterans’ Day is something special.