Thrift Shopping
Jillian Labador is a junior at ERHS.
March 8, 2019
Thrift shopping has become a trend that has boomed in popularity in the recent years. Before, it was stigmatized, looked down upon or seen only as a way to find Halloween costumes. However, thrift shopping, or “thrifting,” as many call it, is now an essential teenage experience. In his iconic song Thrift Shop, Macklemore boasts “I’m at the Goodwill, you can find me in the bins,” reflecting the newer attitude towards thrifting that is now seen as trendy and fun. But why the sudden shift?
Not Just for Macklemore
The aesthetic of thrift shopping is definitely one of the reasons it has become so popular. Take, for example, YouTube. The search “how to thrift” yields tons of videos with aesthetically edited thumbnails of teens in trendy outfits that seem to promise the same results for you if you listen to them. These videos have hundreds of thousands or even millions of views each!
There are many elements to the allure of thrift stores. According to Jillian Labador, a junior, thrifting allows you to find “these really nice pieces of clothing that you wouldn’t find in other stores.” Indeed, many find that thrift stores often have more unique and eclectic choices that are harder to find in regular department stores.
Daniel Taylor, a junior, enjoys thrift shopping because of “the cool stuff you can find, [and] the low prices.” The low prices are what allowed Labador to find a leather jacket for only ten dollars.
Personally, I love thrift shopping for the exact same reasons. Additionally, many thrift stores are very welcoming spaces that are fun to shop at, especially with friends or even as a date! While fun, thrift shopping “can be a little tiring,” according to Labador, so here are some tips to get the most out of your experience.
Thrift Shopping Tips
In my experience, I feel it’s important to know that it’s very rare to come out of a thrift store with tons of cool finds. If I’m lucky, I’ll find one or two pieces that I really like. Even with those, I had to look really closely for them, which is what Labador suggests when going thrifting. “Don’t look at the clothes as a whole,” is her advice. You’re less likely to be overwhelmed if you “go through each piece in the rack and then you’ll probably find something that you like.”

This is one of my favorite jackets, and I found it in a thrift store in Los Angeles for around ten dollars!
Another thing you should know when you go thrift shopping is that it is very different from shopping at any other clothing store. Each one is unique and organized differently. For example, a Goodwill will be organized much differently and have different clothes, furniture or books than a higher-end secondhand store that is more selective in the donations they take. For this reason, it is imperative to keep an open mind while looking for whatever you’re searching for.

I found this sweater in the men’s section of a thrift store for less than ten dollars and it is super thick and warm.
Taylor suggests going to multiple different stores. “Broaden your horizons,” he suggests-don’t be afraid to go in different areas because they each have their own highlights. This also included being open-minded to different types of clothing. Clothing often gets shelved incorrectly and others can be worn as unisex, so don’t be afraid to look in the men’, women’s, and sometimes even children’s sections. This is also why it’s so important to look closely and go through all the clothing if you’re really dedicated. This also means you should be ready to spend a good chunk of time shopping.
Thrift shops are wonderful places not just to find clothes, but books, music, and furniture too. Daniel Taylor once found a rare record that he had been looking for for years at a thrift store, and calls it his best find. So whether you go alone or with friends, find everything you could ever ask for or nothing, I wish you the best of luck with your thrift shopping!