The Roosey Report
February 6, 2019
Hello Mustangs! As I am sure you know, we always have so many activities happening on our campus. So we’re here to give you a quick run down on some of what is going down this month on our awesome campus! So this month, there will be a Poly Workshop, The Unity Dance and Lip Sync Auditions. First up is the Poly Workshop. This Wednesday, February 6, 2018, at 3 p.m., Poly will be holding a meeting for boys and girls. At 3:330, Poly practice will start so dress comfortably! Next up is the our district’s annual Unity Dance. This year’s Unity Dance will be held at Lee V. Pollard on February 23, 2018, from 7 to 11 p.m. Dinner will be provided for all attendees and school dress code still applies. The theme this year is retro science fiction! It is fifteen dollars right now for pre-sale and it will cost twenty dollars at the door, so purchase your tickets now at the Student Store! Last thing this week are Lip Sync Auditions. Lip Sync Auditions will be held from February 12 through February 14. You can audition before school on Wednesday and after school on Tuesday or Thursday, but you have to have at least one minute of your routine ready, so start practicing! Those are some of the events and activities going on this month. Have a great rest of your week Mustangs!