YouTube Trending

November 6, 2018
The only place on the world wide web that you can start by watching a tutorial on the Remainder Theorem and ten videos later find yourself watching a falling goat.
Everyday a new list of videos is released with the most viewed videos; this list contains music videos, challenge videos, interview clips, trailers and much more.
As of Friday November, 2nd at the top of the list is music video Creeme by Karol G, Maluma with 2.9 million views in only fourteen short hours.
photo credits: google images
The top trending list changes every day, allowing users to stay up to date on popular videos and provides watchers a way to find new content that they might not find other wise.
Youtube is very popular in younger generations, according to study done by family zone a large portion of time spent on the internet is used for youtube.
“The age group 0-8 spend roughly 65% of internet time on youtube; while juniors (13-15) spend about 32% of Internet time on youtube and seniors (16-17) spends about 34% of their internet time on youtube. The other time is spent on social media apps while youtube far surpasses every other category. ”
“I tend to binge my favorite youtubers,” said junior Natalie Burr, ” I watch Philip Defranco and Jacksepticeye a lot, along with multiple others. I like those two because they are entertaining.” photo credit: google images
The top trending list helps diversify what kids watch and also brings attention to undiscovered singers and dancers.
Being such a large part of kids everyday life, youtube has found a way to bring a greater diversification to what is watched by children not only around the country but also the world.