ERHS Choir: A Night of Broadway & TV Musicals (Overview)
October 19, 2018
As families, friends, teachers and classmates walked into the Performing Arts building, little did they know, they were in for a treat! Thursday, October 18th, ERHS’s choir put on a memorable performance of covering songs from our favorite musicals, and let’s just say, “talented” is an understatement! I think I can speak for the audience and say goosebumps and happiness is all we felt when we heard the vocals of our fellow mustangs.

With covers from musicals, “Wicked” and “Newsies” , nothing but smiles appeared on each and every one of the audience’s faces as they left after their astonishing performance. I got to catch up with one of the choir members to see how his experience was from the opposite side of our seats, the stage. “I think for me, personally, one of the best parts of putting it together was seeing it from start to finish and seeing how we came from nothing to something” explains Jesus Spear, a current senior at ERHS. “we didn’t really have any obstacles because we are serious about choir, and I think that’s pretty cool.” By the looks of everything, both the audience AND the performers felt the same emotion: Happiness.
After experiencing this memorable performance, there is no doubt that the positive vibes involved, left a huge impact on all of the audience. You heard it here mustangs! Attending the next choir event should definitely be in your calendar!