Dig Pink Volleyball Game

September 28, 2018
Last Thursday we had a big event take place in our gym with the volleyball team fundraising for breast cancer awareness. With this event there were players playing for a person who had or has cancer.
Each person they play for, they either give a flower to show love and support to the person or in a glass vase if they are taken. This event is put on every year to raise money for those that need it to buy a wig or any necessity. Hailey Chase played for Bonnie Harper, she says, “I think the event ran really smoothly. I had a lot of fun and a lot of people showed up.”
Another player, Cynthia Horta, played for Jesus Horta, who is her Grandpa, and also for the varsity coach, Patricia Zarate. Horta says, “I think the event went really well, it was very sentimental and it meant so much to me to be able to play for my Grandfather and for my coach because they both mean so much to me in their own way. The performances were all so amazing and I’m really sad that this was my last Dig Pink game as a Lady Mustang.”
Watching this event has shown that people that have cancer are never alone and will always have someone by their side to support them. This October will be the month that everyone who had or has cancer will be honored for their bravery and their strength.