Stampede Club

Kayla Singleton

Rylie West

The Club Spotlight for this week is Stampede Club. Stampede Club is a club run by ASB to bring out school spirit for school events. Stampede Club got its name from our very student section at home football games called, “The Stampede.”

In order to understand every aspect of Stampede Club, I asked the President of the club, Kayla Singleton a few questions.

“What is the goal of Stampede Club?”

Kayla: “We want more people to come to sporting events like football games wearing the right colors, and we want them to sit in the student section to hype it up!”

“What are some of the things you do in Stampede Club?”

Kayla: “We help decorate in order for our games to look more spirited. We make posters and put them up on the days of the games.”

“What are some benefits of joining the club?”

Kayla: “Well, you get to make our events more spirited so our events are even better, if you are consist in attending, I can sign you off for community service hours, you can put Stampede Club on your college applications, and you can simply meet new people and say you are in a club!”

At Stampede Club’s first official meeting on September 4th, Kayla also mentioned that meetings will only take place before school events as well as the fact that the club is not demanding, making it easy to stay involved. If you would like to join Stampede Club join the Remind messages from Kayla Singleton by texting  “@8k8a4e” to 810-10 and attend a club meeting. Not to mention, helping to set up for school events can grant you free attendance.