Helicopter Parents: Do you feel like your parents are controlling your life?

September 21, 2018
Have you ever felt like your parents control your life? That you can not have the life that you want? Every parent has faced challenges with raising responsible and trustworthy kids. Kids who have parents who are more strict tend to be the kids who lash out and do irresponsible things. But is that always the case? In my own experience, having parents who are strict is very beneficial but at times I feel like I can never ask to do certain activities because my parents will say no. I often feel like I can not voice my opinion very much on this issue because my parents tend to only think of what they want to do and not listen to my own feelings. Having strict parents who are always on your case can be very frustrating because you feel like you do not have the freedom. Talking to other people who’s parents are less strict makes me envy them because at times, I wish I had that life.
According to psychology.com, having helicopter parents can have a negative affect on people’s brains. It makes them feel like their parents don’t trust them. In the end, having parents who are controlling can make you feel like you are living in a constant bubble.
Talking to my parents, Kelly Harris and Justin Harris, they stated that “we are just trying to keep you safe because the world is dangerous place”. I took this as they do not want me to grow but stay in this constant hole and never climb out.
I interviewed some students and asked them what it is like to not have strict parents. Johnny Sanchez, a senior explained that his parents “Do not pay attention to me and they never listen.” Having parents who are less strict does also have its downfalls.
Hunter Burhman, a senior shed a more positive light on having parents who are less strict. He said that “I feel free and I feel like I can do whatever I want and not have that bad of consequences.”
Helicopter parenting can make people feel like they do not have control of there own life.