Welcome Back Mustangs!

August 31, 2018
Welcome back Mustangs! With it being our third week back, we went around to ask you how the first two weeks of school has been. Between crazy new schedules, and our enormous campus size, stepping foot in Eleanor Roosevelt can be very overwhelming to most students. With that being said, here is what your fellow mustangs said.
To start off our search to find out how our Mustangs first three weeks went, we started out by talking to our newest members of the Mustang family, the freshman! Joel Evans, a freshman here at ERHS said, “It has been like sugar and spice and everything nice”, he also said “It has been a lot harder, but overall more functional.” Aliyah Ruiz, also a freshman said, “My first three weeks of school were fun, a new experience, and a little scary.”
We then moved on to talk to our Mustangs who have one year under their belts, the sophomores! Unlike the freshman, they did not express that they had nerves coming into the school year. “I have lots of homework and my teachers are strict. Freshman year there was no homework and it was easier,” Elijah Knox, sophomore. Alyssa Watson, also a sophomore felt the same as she stated, “Having history adds on more homework.” She also said, “I feel good about all my classes, and everything has been going smooth.”
A fellow Mustang Sophomore, Evan Huang says, “I feel like all my classes are cool this year but, my AP classes are though. I don’t like Mr.Knight’s zero period or any zero period for that matter.”
I went on to ask how he felt being a sophomore now and if there was anything he wished he did as a freshman. “Personally I never got used to being a freshman, so being a sophomore now is a big jump.”
Our underclassmen seem to be finding their way, let’s see how our upperclassmen are doing.
Carol Conghuyen a Junior on campus says, “My classes are quite challenging, but I believe that they provide an interesting and fun way to learn the material so that I can pass my AP exams.”
Another fellow mustang, Hunter Buhrman, also a Senior at Roosevelt said “It is nice being a senior and the teachers are less strict because we are more responsible.” He also states that he is very excited that grad night is at Six Flags.”