Senior Thoughts
May 21, 2018
Hey guys..a time we’ve all been waiting for has finally come, it’s almost summer time! But for us seniors out there, it’s so much more. As much as we hate to admit it, our lives begin in the world of reality real soon. This time in our life of merging from a teenage life to an adult life can be very stressful for many of us, simply because what do we do now? I can’t stress enough about just how strange and odd it is to be put in this moment of time where everything we know is about to change.
Of course, aside from the worries, I’m also very excited to be moving onto a new chapter of life, because I’m curious about what the world has to offer me, and I’m just really excited to experience these new things.
Some seniors retell their stories of the beginning of senior year, such as Adrianna Martinez who said “the first semester of senior year was very stressful, because I had SAT’S college applications, I was so stressed out I really wanted to give up, but i kept reminding myself that second semester everything would be fine”. She also said “senior year was just more stressful life wise, not necessarily school work wise, it was easy in that sense”. And I have to agree with her on this.
Another senior, Gisselle Guerrero also recalls the beginning of senior year, “it was weird because you entered school as if it were a normal day but then when you think about it, this is the last time we’re all going to be together”.
Photo Taken By: Me
Leaving behind all your good friends is one of the many things that make senior year so hard. “I’m honestly kind of sad that i have to leave high school because it’s like a family you’re leaving behind” Harmony Johnson tells.
Even if we are to leave behind the friends that mean so much to us now, we will always remember the fun we had together.