My thoughts on Kanye
May 5, 2018
Kanye has been going on mini tangents on his twitter lately with tweets regarding to Trump, music, slavery, money, etc. A lot of celebrities and fans are confused by his words and actions and believe that this is all an act. People say he is doing this to get everyone’s attention once he drops new music…..and I agree…in a way.

To me, Kanye is a very outspoken and nonjudgmental man and I respect that about him and always will, but he also needs to work on how he comes across certain subjects and care more about his image. I love Kanye he is one of my favorite rappers of all time, but recently he just did an interview with TMZ talking about slavery and how “it was a choice” for us black people.

When he says stuff like that, it makes me wonder if Kanye is just kind of uneducated or if he is just plain stupid. I don’t mind it when he speaks about his position with politics or that he is a black man who is republican. I don’t mind because in this generation people need to learn how to be accepting and not so sensitive.
Kanye has also been tweeting about positivity and how to make your life more happier. See that’s that Kanye I love and appreciate because there is a lot of hate and negativity going on in the world and even if he seems crazy to people, there ain’t nothing crazy about spreading a little love.
I spoke to some of friends in class and wanted to get their opinion on Kanye lately to see where their heads are at. Senior Tomas Lam says he feels like “Kanye is just another man in this world who is just expressing his feelings..” he also says “ it sucks that people want to ruin his life all the time, but it is what it is.” I spoke to Chris Ruiz, another senior at Roosevelt, he says “ He’s lost and the attention he’s trying to attract isn’t working.”
I think Kanye is a good influence to the youth, but the majority of the youth is too blind to see what is really means to express your opinion.