Student Handbook – Technology Applications


E-Learning Office

Joanne Kim, A&E Editor

The class Technology Applications is where students can learn more about the Microsoft Office applications and computer basics.

ERHS Technology Applications

In the class, students can choose between Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OutLook, as well as the IC3 digital literacy certification to train and test in. Students are expected to pass the certification test at the end of each semester but are encouraged to take more if they can.

They learn about their chosen application on LearningKey Online Expert, where they take the pre-assessment, watch training videos, complete labs, and then finally take the post-assessment. Depending on the application, there would be multiple sessions where you repeat this cycle. There are deadlines throughout the semester on each part of each session.



After each session, the teacher provides activities which apply what you’ve learned so far and are then turned in for a grade.

Once you pass all of the sessions, the teacher will provide you a Gmetrix account where you can take a mock certification test to see if you are prepared to take the official certification. If you pass the exam, you receive a certification from the Microsoft company.

  • The certification is an official certification given by Microsoft which can be used in the real world such as placing it on a resume for jobs
  • Taking the class in high school saves you a lot of money since taking it in college as a course costs a couple of hundred and taking the actual test costs 70 dollars
  • It’s an articulated course which means it can transfer into college credits
Microsoft Office

From Mr.Cabal’s Moodle – example of a month’s worth of due dates