Election Season: The Candidates of 2018

April 3, 2017

The week of April 3rd is the time where the class presidents are voted upon. That means each candidate is out to campaign. Class of 2018, meet your candidates! Here is what they wanted to let you know:

Lucas Anotado – “Hey Mustangs! I’m Lucas Anotado and I’m running for your Senior Class President. If I get elected, I’ll make sure to make our senior year the best and go out with a bang!”

Cindy Nguyen (CC for CC) – “Hey mustangs! My name is Cindy Nguyen and I would love to be your senior class president next year! With a class as large as ours it can be easy to feel as your voice isn’t being heard, as a leader I feel as if it is extremely important to step down and recognize the input from your peers! I will strive to make YOUR voice heard while providing our class with memorable and frequent senior events that take into mind YOUR suggestions! I will also strive to make sure that ALL clubs and groups are considered when hosting these events, full of fun sports games, karaoke nights, art shows, performances, etc.! Vote CC for CC for an amazing senior year!”

Cassie Regalado (CC for CC) – “Hi! I’m Cassie Regalado and I would be so grateful to be your senior class vice president. My main goal is to unify our class because I believe this will help everyone feel more welcomed. I really want next year to be memorable for all of us, especially because it is our last year. Personally, I think that I show a lot of school spirit, have a great work ethic, and a lot of motivation to help others. These are important aspects to being a good leader and will help me be the best leader I can be for this amazing class! Please help me give the opportunity to be your senior vice president by giving me your vote!”

Katlyn Monte and Kyle Kim – The pair named #KYTE (Katlyn Monte running for senior president and Kyle Kim running as senior vice president) together were unavailable, but would love to be able to represent the class of 2018 to make senior year memorable and the best, as mentioned in their debate speeches on April 4.

Natalie Diaz  and Oscar Zuñiga –  This pair named #NØNI (Natalie Diaz as senior president and Oscar Zuñiga as senior vice president)together were also unavailable, but are grateful for the opportunity to be able to acknowledge the school’s diversity and leave a legacy, as well mentioned in their debate speeches.

Please take the time to vote for who you believe will fit the best role as senior class president and vice president here (you must sign in before it takes you to the voting page).



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