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Notable Women Throughout History

In honor of National Women’s Month this March, here are some notable women that you probably have never heard of (but need to).

1. Sybil Ludington (1761-1839): We all know the story of Paul Revere and how he rode to warn that the British were coming. But, we aren’t taught about Sybil Ludington, who did the same and even more. She rode 40 miles to warn her father’s militia about the oncoming British men. Ludington even has a statue built in her honor in Carmel, New York

2. Ada Lovelace (1815–1852): Ever wonder who the first computer programmer was? Well it was Ada Lovelace! She was exposed to the first computer via her mentor, Charles Babbage. When asked to help translate one of his articles, she came up with an algorithm for the machine to compute Babbage’s numbers.

3. Henrietta Lacks (1920-1951): As a woman of color, Henrietta Lacks paved way for medical improvement, including vaccination when she was diagnosed with cervical cancer. A researcher discovered that her cancerous cells wouldn’t die.

4. Lois Jenson (1948-): This notable woman from history sought justice for sexual harassment. She, along with three other women, were also the first female workers of the Eleventh Mines.

5. Cecilia Payne (1900-1979): Cecilia Payne was the first woman in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. She is nicknamed to have touched the stars.

These are not all the women to be noted, but there are a few. Take this month to appreciate the women in your life!


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