Life In the New eSTEM Building


Pictured above: The eSTEM campus quad.

Dylan Ramos, Journalist

This year of 2019 marks the first ever opening of a brand new and much anticipated architectural addition to the ERHS campus–the eSTEM building! With a modernized look diverging from the main campus’s 15-year-old style, we feel a sense of refreshment, satisfaction, and excitement as students can attend and enjoy the building’s first year all for themselves.

A group of seniors hang out in the common area during lunch, via Photographer Dylan Ramos

After roughly 3 years of development, students find the building’s biggest impressions are in its style, cleanliness, and the resources it provides. One student, an ERHS sophomore, who’s entire schedule is kept inside the eSTEM building, was especially adamant about the new clean bathrooms.

Bradley Swanson, a senior with only one class in the building, says “It’s great they have a place with a bunch of technology and new stuff for kids working in STEM who need it.” Nearly every classroom has devices for students needing online access, as well as technologies like the robotics and 3-D printers needed by many for certain classes and design projects.

Another student walking around during lunch with a friend was surprised by the building’s modern aesthetic. “It feels like, a college campus or something…”

Notes left by UNITY at the campus stairs, via ERHS UNITY Twitter

Alongside these qualities comes the integration of Papa John’s Pizza with ERHS, now being served at the eSTEM building cafeteria.

What else is new? UNITY went around the campus to spread a few positive and written affirmations to cheer students hanging around between classes, and a Freshmen and Junior collaboration was held Thursday on the Freshmen’s PBL science & engineering research topic, with Juniors providing feedback and advice to Freshmen pitching ideas.

The counseling team was also working this past weekend to set up their new Counseling Calm room. They’re now looking for donations, so please contact Mrs. Gonzales for further information if you would like to contribute!

The counseling team and volunteers at work on their new room, via ERHS Twitter

The STEM building marks a new chapter for life on the ERHS campus- more modern, more collaborative, and an incredibly helping hand to new and returning students looking for an education in the STEM fields for their experience and careers later in life.