ERHS Blood Drive


Amanda Hollis, Writer

Blood Drives have been around since 1628 ever since the discovery of blood transfusion was made. Blood donations go to people who experience surgery or are in need of blood transfusions. Whenever someone gives a blood donation, it goes to a person in need, thus giving a new opportunity to that person. Every year, up to 4.5 million people are saved just by a donation of blood. “Approximately 32,000 pints of blood are used each day in the United States” says the BNL Blood Drive. 1 pint of blood gives assistance to about 3 people.

This week ERHS held their annual blood drive where students were presented with the opportunity to help those in need  and The Roosevelt Review decided to ask a few students what their opinion was on the concept of donating.

ERHS senior Kristyn Yamas stated that  “People need it more than we do and being able to help is a good feeling, and that feeling that you helped someone will always put a smile on your face.”

Melissa Gutierrez, a worker running the drive stated “Spreading the word about blood drives is so nice because the more people that know about it, the more people can help. So go on down and donate blood and be the person that saves a life.”